27 November 2006

Thanksgiving for the Board

At Thanksgiving time we all offer up our thanks for the many things in our lives that give us joy and fill our lives with meaning. Along with the usual sentiments that we all express, let us not forget the thanks we all feel for the 100 Hour Board, and those who write for it; Without which we may never have postponed writing our papers or studying our test by reading something so useful and informative. If there was no Board think of all the many hours of procrastination that would be entirely wasted by useless unproductive activities. With the Board werf can be sure that no amount of time spent reading or writing for the Board will ever be wasted. We can still read answers from the writers of years past; we can still gain knowledge from our current writers. We still have the amazing resource from the archives, and we will always have the writers to turn to with those difficult questions that reason alone cannot answer, only through the wit, humor, courage, and dedication of the Board writers can many of our answers come clear. It is almost as if the Board writers sacrifice their lives for the benefit of the readers. Just the other day I played a rousing game of Go with Curious Physics Minor. He took time out of his busy schedule to sit and play Go with a boardie he had never met before; this is the kind of dedication that inspires werfs everywhere to be better people. I am personally searching for a moment when I can do the same, when I can sacrifice a small portion of what I have to make a person of no consequence, such as I, stand a little taller, enjoy life a little more, and seek to pass that kind of light on to those who need it. While thinking the other day about how much the Board means to those involved in reading it, I remembered that the Board writers volunteer their services; no one gets paid a cent. I can't think of a greater service project, and it doesn’t just come around during the holiday season, the Board serves year round. It keeps giving and giving, inspiring others to give, without resting, without compensation, providing a constant source of clean entertainment for everyone who wishes to be a part. I am finally procuring a 100 Hour Board shirt which I will definitely wear it with pride.

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