17 November 2006

Forg...Amnes...Memory Loss.

Dotage runs in my family. I am trying to think of all the things that I can do as a young man to avoid any serious complications from my own dotage, but the only thing I can think that I do enough to have any effect is to read the Board. Most likely that in and of itself is not powerful enough to counter my genes tendency to dote, yet I believe willpower is the key. Unfortunately, for me it is less about willpower and more about the storage of thoughts from short-term memory to long-term memory. This website has another interesting reason for forgetfulness…Boring! When werfs have subjects that bore werf to death, the brain just assumes that werf doesn’t need it. With this being the information age, I can understand why our brains would want all the free space it can have. So the trick is to fill the brain with fun, interesting things…I think I remember a really interesting site…Oh Yeah! The Board! Not only are the questions and answers interesting, but also they help werf think about life more interestingly. Thus, making life more enthralling and amusing improve memory; so all you buffs out there trying to improve your memory…Read the Board! It’s free.

1 comment:

Tangerine said...

Hmm... maybe I'm not reading the Board enough - I'd better pick it up a bit. :)

Did you know you're my favourite reader (and have been for 67 hours)? And I didn't even realize that Wally III was you when I determined that he was my favourite (Yellow can attest to that). Consider yourself loved and appreciated.