Walking around campus I see lots of different people; some tall, some short, beautiful, plain, etc. My first instinct is to place them into a category, not a permanent one, but perhaps one that looks like: 1) I would sit next to them in class, 2) I would not sit next to them in class; or 1) I would go out of my way to get to know them, 2) I would not go out of my way to get to know them. I don't consider myself a 'judgmental' person because I try not to let these things get in the way when I actually sit next to people. While walking in between classes, I find myself watching people. I notice little things about them, but in the few seconds I see them most of what I am able to observe is physical and superficial. Reading the 100 Hour Board changed my attitude, and the way I look at people. I read the Board nearly everyday. In all of my classes I try to find people who read the Board, but more especially I try to find people who write for the Board. Their answers are so witty and smart, they provide me with hours of entertainment (way more than 100 hours), and are people I would want to associate with. The Board writers are anonymous, so I don't know who they are. Anyone that I passed could be one, the annoying kid in my grammar class could be one. The question rings out in my head "WHO ARE YOU 100 HOUR BOARD WRITERS?!" In my head a meeting would go like this:
Me: (sitting down next to werf (definition of werf)) Hey. How's it going?
Undisclosed Board writer: (slightly annoyed, yet polite) Fine.
Me: (thinking) is werf reading JSTOR? Wasn't their a Board writer who read JSTOR for fun? No werf probably just has a paper that werf is writing. (Werf then turns and begins talking with friend about how many years it really would take termites to eat Noah's Ark Board Question #5386) did I just hear werf talk about Board Question #5386? Must be a fellow Board reader! (werf takes off jacket to reveal a 100 Hour Board t-shirt) NO WAY!! Werf is a Writer??! (nonchalant) Hey do y'all read the Board? (Friend starts giggling, and werf does a double take)
Undisclosed Board writer: (Playing it cool not wanting to give it all away) Sure I read the Board.
Me: (bubbly, Perhaps a little too excited) You know how people ask all the time why the Board is so addicting?
Undisclosed Board writer: (Slightly curious) Yeah?
Me: (Talking probably too fast, Like when you get pulled over for the first time) I was doing some research into laughter, and this guy estimates that for every minute that you laugh your brain releases healthy chemicals, that if you were to purchase from a pharmaceutical store would cost you about $10,000. HA! (Shamelessly laughing at my own joke)
Undisclosed Board writer: (Slightly entertained, knowing that werf is releasing crucial information) Hey that is a good one, I should use that next time someone asks.
Me: (Eyes get as big as saucers, knowing that my suspicion is correct, stumbling over words) You mean that...You are...
Undisclosed Board writer: (Both werf and friend are laughing hysterically) Yup I bet you can't guess which one I am.
For the rest of the semester we talk after class about very nerdy subjects, and ridiculous hypothetically impossible questions; read each others blogs, and discuss Board questions and answers.
After this interchange, and revelation my opinion of werf is quite different. All of a sudden it doesn't matter what werf looks like. Because I don't know the identities of the thirty or so Board writers I have started to look at people completely different. Now when I see werf and place them in one of the #2 categories, I automatically think "I wonder how I would think of this person if they were a Board writer? How would I treat them, and what would I want them to think of me?" Although I don't associate with more people, I find myself treating people better in my mind. I have realized that people that I don't know have a whole different level that I cannot access unless I get to know them. So even though no Board writer reads my blog, thank you 100 Hour Board, for not only giving me millions of dollars worth of pharmaceuticals, but helping me discover that people are more than just what they appear on the outside. The 100 Hour Board is life!!