11 July 2007

I Had A Dream...

But this isn't like most of the dreams I have, and it just so happens that it was about the Board. Before I talk about the dream I have a confession...I haven't been reading the Board. Like many other hopelessly addicted people I wondered to myself "Could I actually survive without the Board?" The simple answer...yes. The complicated answer..............................................................Let me answer this one with a story. Around February my life became wonderfully complicated with a new addition to my family (see previous post), and with school, no sleep, work, the Go club, moving, and all those things that makes life meaningful I figured this would be a good time to test my theory; OH! How wrong I was. Here is the irony, in the effort to catch up in my classes I stopped reading the Board-EEEK! Yes, I know, all you boardies should know how bad of a decision that was. --It is like one of those movies where as a member of the audience knows how poor of a decision the character is making "Why in the world is he going down into the basement?!?!?" "Why didn't they leave when they had the chance?!" In one agonizing moment you see the character commit delayed suicide in which the only way out of the situation they put themselves is a slight of hand by the author via a 'Deus ex machina.' If you have ever seen the Last Action Hero with Arnold Schwarzenegger, (or personal experience) you know that the chances of a person getting saved from a stupid choice by a Deus ex machina are slim to none.--Instead of the decision helping me my academic life imploded. I bombed most of my classes, then I signed up for a class I had already taken and received a "B+" in, only to find out after the drop date that I had already taken it and the grade I get will replace my other grade no matter what. The Go club lost its thunder over the summer, I stopped updating my blog.....ok, ok--the dream--the dream.

I am at a Board party. (I have never been to one before, but I can imagine that they are just like this.) There are a lot of us sitting around talking about nothing in particular, then someone suggests a game. Everyone agrees, as I go get a pot and start boiling water--Now before you start talking alphabet soup, you shouldn't use water with alphabet soup--and a large plastic paddle. It looked almost like a rice scooper. Ironically enough with the alphabet soup comment it was a word game. There is a catch to it though, before the person or people who are playing dip the plastic paddle into the now boiling water they have to audibly speak to the paddle "Alphanumeric" or "Hexadecimal," they then place the paddle into the boiling water and symbols show up on the paddle, which the team or person then has to form into words, codes, or decipher the symbols intelligently; then the other team gets to go and come up with something better. It keeps going like that until a team can't come up with anything better in the allotted time. The timer is the paddle which will explode if the team doesn't get it in time.

Now the moral of the story...NEVER stop reading the Board. It is not healty. If you are addicted, it is like being addicted to eating healthy, or driving the speed limit; perhaps even an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to do your homework/study (I wish I had that one).

1 comment:

BJ Homer said...

He's back!
