11 December 2006

On Top of the World

Can you imagine...
You are reading the Board like you do every morning, laughing at the wonderful wittiness that is a trademark of the 100 Hour Board. You are so pleasantly pleased at there being 51 posts; the more posts, the more time can be spent enjoying the wonderful current posts. Then I am informed by my friend, who has already read the Board, that someone asked a question about me...ABOUT ME! I grip my chair a little tighter (so as not to fall out of it) and tell myself, "I can't rush and go straight to my question. It will be so much neater if I can just read the Board like I always do." When I have a question posted for the day, I always try to read the Board all the way through without giving preference to my own questions. Well, on MWF I am at work when I read the Board, things are usually slow so I can read without interruptions. Today things were rather busy, I found myself taking more calls, and helping more people than usual--Agonizingly wonderful--. I figured that the question would be in the middle some where, so I would get back to work, read a few questions, then get called off again. Wholly Cow, I was progressing through the posts maddingly slow, and the closer I would get to the end, I would think "it has got to be the next post....ok, the next one....Argh!" (an excitedly expectant sort of Argh). "What did they say? Who answered it? Argh!" (an 'I'm-so-excited-I-cant-even-speak' Argh). The question is fifth from the bottom of 51 posts. I had to empty the lunch from my brown paper bag, and breath into it so I wouldn't hyperventilate myself. Then at long last I saw the question:-) I felt pretty swell, about as swell as a boardie can feel. I was asked about on the Board, and Board writers were talking about ME! HA! It makes me want make a sandwich-type advertisement board that I can wear during the times I am not in class and walk around the quad letting everyone know about the Board. That might spark a not-so-positive question to the Board about me, but one can never say enough about the Board:-)
I was in a class today where one of my fellow students asked me what was written on my Helmet, I was so proud of it; I told her. She responded "What's so great about that?" and she was serious folks--yup dead serious. I couldn't hardly believe my ears! I thought perhaps she didn't hear me when I said that it was an online repository for questions answered by a voluntary staff of BYU students within 100 hours. Nope. She heard me. I tried in vain help her catch the vision of the tradition, humor, personality, intelligence, prestige, addictive nature, and sheer brilliance that embodies the 100 Hour Board. I don't know if it was her inability to understand what I was saying, or the fact that I was so excited I was probably incoherent. Either way if she doesn't go to theboard.byu.edu she will be missing out on perhaps the best way I know to use werf's time, and probably the best invention for college students EVER!


Anonymous said...

Have you seen that you were mentioned again today? You are becoming quite famous - and rightly so. Anyone who makes and wears a helmet like yours should be famous. Or should I say INfamous. :) As an expert on the board, can you tell me why they haven't answered my question yet? It has been more than 100 hours.

Wally_III said...

Probably because they want to do justice to it. They can't get them all, hopefully this means they will get the answer for you:-) Be patient, one of the best things about the Board is the non-instant gratification. I can't wait for your answer either.

ahem. said...

Well, you could always refer her to Board Question #18661. If those don't get her hooked, nothing will.

Also, your next goal should be to have one of your questions in the Top-10 Favorites section. I had two of mine there at one point. One of my proudest achievements to date.